Natural Dyes & Mordants
Handwoven Fabrics
Handwoven Bundle of Cotton and Rayon
Vintage Linen Buttons - Perfect for re-enactment
Silk Ribbon 5 meters
Bhujodi Handwoven Kala Indigo Statement Shawl LAST PIECES
Handwoven Handspun Ethiopian Cotton Scarf Kechene Community Ethiopia
Handwoven natural cotton yardage 120cm wide
Silk jersey (light) 2 meter
23- Eri silk handwoven 65-180 course weft and fine warp
1- handwoven khadi cotton 80-220 with embroidery
12 - handwoven cashmere pashmina wool 80-180 scarf
9 - hand spun handwoven cotton scarf timore leste
10 - hand spun handwoven cotton scarf timore leste
11 - handwoven cotton Timor leste 45-200
27 - rayon handwoven open weave scarf 65-190
8- handwoven Mexican cotton shawl 60-200
4 - handwoven viscose shawl 80-200cm
6 - kosa silk shawl with fringes
13 - organic wool etamine woven 120 -155