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Meet our new Workshop-In-A-Box boxes! All you need is right there:


Mordants, assists, and our finest premium madder, to dye a handwoven silk scarf in a vibrant red. We have included detailed, printed step-by-step instructions so you can not go wrong! This box will teach you the correct technique to create that perfect RED, on protein, each and every time.

This all-in-one box makes for the most fabulous holiday- or birthday gift.


What's inside your package?

A designed, sturdy cardboard box

Printed instructions

Alum Mordant

100 grams Madder powder 

Assist powder

An XL luxurious handwoven silk scarf (70-200 cm)


What do you need? 

A dedicated dye pot and a spoon or a stick to stir with.


Workshop in a box: Dye a perfect red silk scarf

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 1 review


    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Based on 1 review
    1 review

    • Melinda ShoopSep 19, 2024
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
      A wonderful kit!

      I just got this kit, with every thing I need to dye a silk scarf. Clear instructions included, with all the chemicals you need to dye the included scarf.. The seller is very helpful and responsive. I recommend this kit!

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