Sample sizes are enough for a strong 5 litre indigo vat each, or a 15 litre vat when combined.
Fantastic to work with soap-making for creating different shades of blues.
Try out our favourite blue dyes in 25-gram packages packed in a small cardboard box with printed instructions for setting up a hydrosulfite indigo vat + a sample of green indigo for use with silks.
25 gram of Indigofera tinctoria powder.
25 gram of organic Indigofera longeracemosa powder.
25 gram of Isatis tinctoria (woad) extract.
25 gram of green indigo powder.
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Great instructions. Almost instant reaction. Great for a beginner. I followed the instructions for a strong Vat. When fully reduced will dye cotton, linen and wool. 25 grams of Indigo.