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Redemption Dress - an eco-printed project

The last months (and months to come) I am working on a project that contains a series of up cycled wedding dresses. This is the first one;

Redemption Dress

The work that has forced me to have a long, hard look at myself.

Who am I, in my core. What’s me and what do I chalk up to life experience? In what way do I let previous traumas deprive me of joy in the now?

Redemption dress. Ecoprinted wedding dress

The redemption dress;

A vintage, silk dress that I completely stripped of all the embellishments, the beads, the bows, the frills. What was left was just simple silk gown, sill breathing the joy of someone’s wedding day.

It then was eco printed with casuarina someone gifted me. I attached sheet music dyed with walnut and other natural dyes. Relics of when I still could enjoy music, and reclaimded that joy in the process.

The side panels are printed with parts of the book of Ruth, the historical convert ancestor of King David and therefor the messiah to come (speedily, amen). The front has around 100 French knots from madder dyed silk thread, a meditative process if ever there was one. The necklace is made from silk cocoons and chord dyed with natural dyes (madder, walnut).

The dress has been on display in PICO - Jerusalem and the JCCC after that. I am now looking for a more permanent display together with Memory Blanket and the two dresses that are in the making.

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