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Creating an Icy Winter Tones Palette with Natural Dyes
I love to be inspired by what is around me. When I let the dogs out in the (very) early morning, I witness the morning mist creating...

2024 in Natural Dyes.
a year in natural dyes and pictures, take a look at the best moments for DekelDyes in 2024!

The Vibrant World of Indonesian Natural Dyes (10 dyes explained)
Indonesia, with its rich biodiversity and long tradition of craftsmanship, is a haven for natural dye enthusiasts. This archipelago of...

Natural alternatives for washing powder: soapwort, soap root, and soap nuts. (with free recipes)
In my previous blog , I shared tips for more sustainable washing practices to care for your naturally dyed clothes. In this blog, let's...

How to Wash Naturally Dyed Fabrics: A Guide for Eco-Conscious Consumers
how to wash your naturally dyed clothes

Tejido en Indonesia, estilos y técnicas.
El tejido indonesio es una tradición vibrante llena de técnicas, materiales y motivos únicos, y es tan diverso como el gran archipiélago....

Simple Resist Paste Technique with Indigo.
With this simple indigo resist technique I will teach you how to create a beautiful marble effect on white textiles

A week of Natural Dyeing and Botanical Printing in the Netherlands
Two great textile workshops in the Netherlands

How to make your own Aluminium Tri-formate mordant
How to make your won ATF mordant from scratch

How to create the darkest blacks with tannins and ferrous sulfate.
If you have been reading my blogs you have seen a thing or two about creating dark shades using the magical collusion of tannins with...

2023 in Natural Dyes
It is almost the end of the Gregorian year. What a year it has been (in many, very conflicting ways). I feel that before I can start...

What are Tzitzit?
There have been a lot of posts from me on social media about Tzitzit, and people are asking me left and right: what are Tzitzit. So here...

The Color Palette of the Jewish People
In my quest to give a more profound, layered meaning to my work, I have been diving increasingly into the history of natural dyes. This...

Dyeing Pinks with Birch Bark
Birch trees are deciduous trees that belong to the Betulaceae family, which also includes alders and hazels. There are approximately 60...

Las 157 recetas de tintes naturales de Paul Gout
Un día, se encontró en Francia un manuscrito con 157 recetas de tintes naturales. Lo sorprendente fue que gran parte de estas recetas...

"Dookrollen", The jewel of the Dutch linen cabinet.
Linen, a versatile and eco-friendly fabric, has a long-standing tradition of production in the Netherlands. The first flax cultivation...

Chlorophyllin, what is it and how do you dye fabrics with it?
There are no true one-step greens in natural dyes. It is either a khaki or moss-green of sorts by post-mordanting a yellow dye with...

Botanical Printing with an Iron Blanket.
In the botanical printing groups online, you will read the term 'iron blanket' often. And I would like to explain to you what it is and...

Aluminium lactate as a mordant for cellulose, a comparison.
With the last editions to the supply store of aluminium lactate and ferrous lactate, more side-by-side testing was in order. What really...

What is the Difference? Raw Dyestuff, Dye Powders, and Dye Extracts
When it comes to natural dyes, there are several options available for textile artists and home dyers. In our webshop you can find raw...

Colorful soaps, naturally!
Natural colorants can be a great addition to handmade soaps as they add vibrancy and beauty to the product.

7 Natural Dyes From your Kitchen
(and what NOT to use) In this blog you will learn how to properly mordant cellulose fabrics, and how to use ingredients from your kitchen...

Dyeing like it's 1744
When I was young(er) I studied classical guitar. I actually have a degree-and-a-half in it, finishing the final concert of my Masters...

pH - What is it?
(And why do you need to know?) pH is something you will see a lot in descriptions of natural dyeing processes. In short: pH stands for...
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