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How to Wash Naturally Dyed Fabrics: A Guide for Eco-Conscious Consumers
how to wash your naturally dyed clothes

How to create a sustainable wardrobe in six easy steps (and why you should care)
If you went shopping for clothes lately, did you notice how many items are now 'cotton-rich', cotton-blends, or viscose derivatives like...

Simple Resist Paste Technique with Indigo.
With this simple indigo resist technique I will teach you how to create a beautiful marble effect on white textiles

A week of Natural Dyeing and Botanical Printing in the Netherlands
Two great textile workshops in the Netherlands

How to make your own Aluminium Tri-formate mordant
How to make your won ATF mordant from scratch

The Sukumo Indigo Vat: A Time-Honored Tradition in Dyeing Aizome.
Sukumo indigo holds a special place as a time-honored dyeing technique. Derived from the leaves of the Polygonum tinctorium plant, Sukumo...

How to create the darkest blacks with tannins and ferrous sulfate.
If you have been reading my blogs you have seen a thing or two about creating dark shades using the magical collusion of tannins with...

2023 in Natural Dyes
It is almost the end of the Gregorian year. What a year it has been (in many, very conflicting ways). I feel that before I can start...

Getting Creative When Things Are Hard
Today marks exactly two months since the 'black Shabbat' in Israel. That day I woke up disoriented at 6.30 to sirens and explosions, and...

How it's going...
Or maybe, how it is not. I am on a strict diet of grief and stress. Mourning, shock and fear are pulling at the hems of our tight knit...

What are Tzitzit? (including how-t0)
There have been a lot of posts from me on social media about Tzitzit, and people are asking me left and right: what are Tzitzit. So here...

Storing your Natural Dyes and Mordants Safely
Just now, I received an email that made me scream in horror: Hello this is a silly question but, I accidentally ate some of this ...

The Easiest Apple Cake Recipe
"But why are you putting up a recipe here Suzanne? Is this not a site about natural dyes?" You are 100% correct. But it is also Rosh...

Unraveling the Threads of Tradition: Exploring the Ethiopian Jewish Weaving Heritage
Handwoven Fabrics from the Kuchene Community (Beta Israel) in Addis Abeba

The Color Palette of the Jewish People in Natural Dyes
In my quest to give a more profound, layered meaning to my work, I have been diving increasingly into the history of natural dyes. This...

Natural Dyeing: The 157 Natural Dye Recipes of Paul Gout
Re-dyeing 18th century dye recipes by Paul Gout in Montpellier, France

"Dookrollen", The jewel of the Dutch linen cabinet.
Linen, a versatile and eco-friendly fabric, has a long-standing tradition of production in the Netherlands. The first flax cultivation...

How to Dye Fabrics Pinks with Birch Bark
Birch trees are deciduous trees that belong to the Betulaceae family, which also includes alders and hazels. There are approximately 60...

Book review: In Search of Wild Silk
Karen Selk has written the ultimate love letter of wild silk. Karen Selk is a textile artist, teacher, writer, and entrepreneur dedicated...

Chlorophyllin, what is it, and how to dye fabrics with it?
There are no true one-step greens in natural dyes. It is either a khaki or moss-green of sorts by post-mordanting a yellow dye with...
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