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The Sukumo Indigo Vat: A Time-Honored Tradition in Dyeing Aizome.
Sukumo indigo holds a special place as a time-honored dyeing technique. Derived from the leaves of the Polygonum tinctorium plant, Sukumo...

Kakishibu - Persimmon Tannin Dye
A blog in the series "The rarest dyes", see the blog about Murex dyeing here. Persimmons (Latin: Diospyros kaki) are a fruit with a long...

Natural Dyeing with Mangrove Tannin - Ceriops tagal
natural dyeing with ceriops tagal, mangrove tannin

What makes a Plant a Dye Plant? - Part 3: Naphthoquinones.
Part three in the series about what makes a plant a dye plant

What makes a Plant a Dye Plant? - Part 2 Anthraquinones
Red is a fascinating color. In the plant world there are several different phytopigments that are responsible for reds, purples and...

Make Your Own Ink From Plant Materials
How to make beautiful inks for writing and painting from natural materials.

10 minute DIY project with scraps
10 minute DIY tea light holder from scraps

World Wide Slow Dye Jars
Work Wide Slow Dye Jars

Fermentation and Solar Dyeing, the ultimate slow dye.
Slow dyeing with fermentation and solar dye process
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