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How to Wash Naturally Dyed Fabrics: A Guide for Eco-Conscious Consumers
how to wash your naturally dyed clothes

The Sukumo Indigo Vat: A Time-Honored Tradition in Dyeing Aizome.
Sukumo indigo holds a special place as a time-honored dyeing technique. Derived from the leaves of the Polygonum tinctorium plant, Sukumo...

How to create the darkest blacks with tannins and ferrous sulfate.
If you have been reading my blogs you have seen a thing or two about creating dark shades using the magical collusion of tannins with...

Natural Dyeing: The 157 Natural Dye Recipes of Paul Gout
Re-dyeing 18th century dye recipes by Paul Gout in Montpellier, France

Chlorophyllin, what is it, and how to dye fabrics with it?
There are no true one-step greens in natural dyes. It is either a khaki or moss-green of sorts by post-mordanting a yellow dye with...

Dyeing with Kermes
The rarest dyes, part of a series of (now) rare natural dyes, see also the blog about Murex and Kakishibu. Kermens is an insect-derived...

A Tradition of Natural Dyes in Oaxaca - Mexico (part 1)
In the summer of 2022, I visited Mexico for almost a month. I started with a visit to Mexico City and Cuernavaca, then moved to San...

How to store Natural Dyes
how to store your natural dyes and extracts

Natural Dyeing and EcoPrinting with Rhatany Root
natural dyeing and eco printing with rhatany roots

Genipa americana, the mystical blue Jagua from South America.
Jagua powder for natural dye projects.

Dyeing with Madder (Rubia Tinctorum)
How to create perfect reds from madder

Imperial Purple and Holy Blue - Mollusk Dyes
Murex dyes for purple and blues from antiquity to today

What makes a plant a dye plant? Part 4: Indigotin
Indigo Dye Plants

Dyeing like it's 1744
When I was young(er) I studied classical guitar. I actually have a degree-and-a-half in it, finishing the final concert of my Masters...

EcoPrinting with 'Blankets'
Using blankets in eco printing

Using Clubmoss as an Alum Mordant
Bioaccumulation is the gradual accumulation of substances in an organism, in this case; alum. There are a few plants that are...

What makes a Plant a Dye Plant? - Part 3: Naphthoquinones.
Part three in the series about what makes a plant a dye plant

What makes a Plant a Dye Plant? - Part 2 Anthraquinones
Red is a fascinating color. In the plant world there are several different phytopigments that are responsible for reds, purples and...

Foraging Flavonoids
Before we get started, let's agree on what I call the Foragers Pact; When foraging it’s important to leave enough for the plant to thrive...

What makes a plant a dye plant? Part 1 Flavonoids.
All plant materials contain a mix of different phytochemicals. I am not going to re-invent the wheel and I will quote Wikipedia on the...
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