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How to Dye Fabrics Pinks with Birch Bark
Birch trees are deciduous trees that belong to the Betulaceae family, which also includes alders and hazels. There are approximately 60...

Natural Dyeing with Mangrove Tannin - Ceriops tagal
natural dyeing with ceriops tagal, mangrove tannin

What makes a Plant a Dye Plant? - Part 2 Anthraquinones
Red is a fascinating color. In the plant world there are several different phytopigments that are responsible for reds, purples and...

Foraging Flavonoids
Before we get started, let's agree on what I call the Foragers Pact; When foraging it’s important to leave enough for the plant to thrive...

Natural Dyeing WIthout a Mordant
Here are 4 Natural Dyes you can use without the need of a mordant. Most natural dyes really need a good mordanting, either...

Dyeing with Bark Dyes
Natural dyes made from different types of wood bark; poplar, chestnut and birch
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